Unauthorized Vendors and Unofficial Solicitations

 Unauthorized vendors and unofficial solicitations
for registration, housing, booth space, meeting space, or mailing lists may target you.

At VISION, we prioritize the safety and security of our exhibitors and attendees. Unfortunately, scammers often target events like ours, falsely claiming to provide attendee mailing lists, housing deals, or other services. To help you stay vigilant, here’s everything you need to know about identifying and avoiding these scams.


Only trust emails that you receive from the @visionkc.com or @mwaca.org domains.

Mailing List Scams

Beware of emails or calls claiming to sell attendee mailing or email lists for VISION. These are 100% fraudulent. VISION does not share attendee lists, so any offer you receive is a scam. If you’re approached by someone selling a “VISION attendee list,” avoid providing any personal or payment information.

Exhibitors will receive an attendee list (without emails and fax information) following the VISION event, not before.

Housing and Event Services Scams

From false claims about hotel reservations to offers for exhibit booths or meeting spaces, scammers often pose as “official partners” of VISION. Here are the facts:

  • Authorized Housing: The only official hotels for VISION are the ones listed on our website. Reservations should be made directly through the VISION registration or exhibitor service center or via official communication from VISION.
  • Registration and Booth Sales: All registration and exhibitor services are managed exclusively through VISION’s official channels.

If a company contacts you about booking hotel rooms, selling exhibit space, or any other service and you didn’t initiate the communication, it’s likely a scam.

What Is Phishing?

Phishing is a tactic used by scammers to steal personal or financial information by posing as trusted organizations. These fraudulent emails may:

  • Use VISION logos or branding to appear legitimate.
  • Offer deals on mailing lists or hotel bookings.
  • Ask for payment details or personal information.


  • VISION will never contact you about attendee lists or housing unless you’ve reached out to us first.
  • Emails from VISION will always come from our official domains. (@visionkc.com or @mwaca.org)

What to Do If You're Targeted

If you receive a suspicious email or call, here’s how to respond:

  1. Gather Information: Note the company name, email address, phone number, and any details provided.
  2. Verify Legitimacy: Contact VISION directly at info@visionkc.com to confirm whether the communication is genuine.
  3. Report the Scam: File a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to help stop these fraudulent practices.

How to file a fraud report:

  •  Go to Federal Trade Commission: ReportFraud.ftc.gov
  •   Click on “Report Now”
  •   For Question 1:  “Is your report about any of these common problems?”
        Select “An Impersonator” (top left answer)
  •   For Question 2:  “Who were they pretending to be?”
        Select “Well-known or trusted business”
  •   Click “Continue”
  •   Add as much information as you have and submit


The new FTC rule went into effect April 1, 2024: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-impersonation-rule-goes-effect-today.

From this point, going forward, impersonation scams like hotel reservation scams and email list sale scams can be reported to the FTC here: https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/.

The following companies have been identified as unofficial solicitors or known Scammers:

  • Camila Anderson, c.andersoncubextechnology c.andersoncubextechnology@gmail.com
  • Esme Clark, esme.clark@teamviser.biz
  • Angela Gibian, Business Development, angela.gibian@htsglobe.com
  • Sara James, Marketing Executive, visitor2@visitorlistz.com
  • Stella Kessler, Marketing Executive, stella.visitorsdata@gmail.com
  • Emma Pearson, Manager, Event Communications and Planning, emma_pearson@informashows.com
  • Emma Pearson, Event and Trade Show Coordinator, emma-pearson@expo-bedz.com
  • Nadine Rivera, Attendee List Consultant, nadine.rivera@ozivi.live 
  • Abigail Sullivan, Business Analyst, abigail.sullivan@tradeshowsmagnets.com 
  • Jolene Torres, jolene.torres@upcome.biz
  • Frank Wilson, Optima Global Solution, frank.wilson@optimaglobalsolution.com 
  • Allie Adams, Sr. Business Coordinator, allieadams.us@gmail.com
  • Jessica Richard, Event and Trade Show Coordinator, jessica.richard@eventzscribe.com

Let's Stay Vigilant Together

By working together, we can protect our VISION community from scams. If you encounter any fraudulent activity, please reach out to us at info@visionkc.com. Your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities.