Are you an auto repair technician or aspiring to become one? If you work in the auto industry, are interested in becoming an auto repair technician, or simply find automobiles fascinating, you owe it to yourself to attend VISION KC. Many shops even close for the week and bring their entire team for advanced training! The VISION Expo is set to take place this March 3 through March 6 in Kansas City. Attend VISION 2022, and it just might change your life. Here’s how.
Shake Hands With the Industry’s Best
Auto repair technicians are unfairly stereotyped as introverts more interested in car parts than people. Even if you prefer to be in a garage with a wrench in your hand, you’ll find attending VISION 2022 might dramatically change your life. Whether you are already working as an auto repair technician or looking to break into the industry, you’ll find this automotive training event opens doors and expands your knowledge base. VISION Expo has the potential to change your career trajectory for the better, helping you build a professional network, develop new skills, and take advantage of the industry’s latest technological breakthroughs. During a time when there’s a severe technician shortage, a quality technician can almost take their pick at which shop to call home. Since VISION is known for attracting top shops from across the country, you will undoubtedly find yourself networking with only the best.
Professional Mechanics Will Join Forces at VISION 2022
The automotive aftermarket is full of professionals who care to improve their lives and shops and elevate the industry. VISION KC provides an opportunity to interact with fellow auto-lovers, helping you connect with and learn from the industry’s best. The relationships and knowledge you gain from this event have the potential to change your career as well as your life. So don’t assume the extent of your career and development will be solely shaped by experiences working in your auto repair shop. You owe yourself to fulfill your full potential by attending this networking and auto repair tech training event.
Consider the Perspectives of VISION KC Auto Repair Technicians
Don’t take our word for the merit of VISION Hi-Tech & Training Expo. Instead, take the word of the auto repair technicians who have attended previous Vision Expos. Read through the reviews and feedback from prior Vision attendees, and you will find the auto mechanics who made their way to Kansas City heap on the praise. Some attendees even go as far as testifying that the event changed their careers and lives for the better.
“Amazing training. The end of February cannot come soon enough! I love the content, the instructors, the vibe, the expo. Not to mention the Networking!” ~ Mike Maleski
VISION 2022 isn’t a local event in the slightest. This event draws in thousands of auto industry professionals from more than half a dozen nations. Nearly every state in the United States is represented at the event, meaning you are sure to learn from the best who hail from the land of the free and the home of the brave. You might even meet someone who provides insight, connections, or access to tech, tools, and equipment that helps you fulfill your true potential as an auto repair technician.
Reserve Your Spot at VISION 2022
If you work as an auto repair technician or in any other capacity in the context of cars, you will find VISION Expo in Kansas City is an invaluable opportunity for learning and growing. Even those still cutting their teeth will obtain considerable value from this experience. There’s no need to be vaccinated to attend. Unless local rules change before March 3, there won’t be a mask requirement to attend VISION Expo. Click here to register your spot at the VISION KCautomotive training event before the remaining spots are taken.