Matt Fanslow: What VISION Has Meant To Me.

Matt will be teaching “Essentials to Key Cutting and Programming” on Thursday, February 29, 2024, “Hands-On PicoScope” on Friday, March 1, 2024 and will be moderating the TECHtalks on Saturday, March 2, 2024 at the VISION 2024 conference.

How does one even begin to qualify the effect(s) of an event, especially one that has become recurring like VISION has to me.

Like many, if not all, stories there is so much backstory leading up to them.  The quick synopsis is that I had been attending Linder Tech Guru Schools and Linder Conferences.  Friends that I had gained from that attendance were urging me to check out this training conference in Kansas City called VISION.

I had never heard of it.  But, after plenty of razzing from friends, and an offer for a ride to it from Chicago that I simply could not refuse, I attended.

Usually when people talk about “energy” my BS meter twitches, or just pegs; but this conference had (and continues to have) an energy about it that was difficult to explain.  

Who am I kidding…I still can’t explain it.

It’s probably the attendees, all so passionate about their craft and continued improvement in it.  Or maybe the instructors, so passionate about this profession and helping those seeking knowledge to gain it and use it.  Or maybe it’s the vendors who are passionate about helping those seeking new or more capability to do so with one of their products.  I guess it could be the VISION Conference staff led by Sheri Hamilton who is so passionate about putting on a great conference not only for the attendees but also the instructors and the vendors.  Seems to be enough passion here to film a soap opera…or Matt should try using a thesaurus.

Anyway, this is what I do know for certain:  VISION is THE BAR by which every and all other automotive repair industry events are measured against.  

VISION has not only allowed me the opportunity to learn, in person, from the best of the best instructors, shake hands and see firsthand new products and learn from the vendor or manufacturer about products of theirs I currently own, but also meet so many mechanical and technical specialists to learn from in class or during breaks or in the hotel lobbies or sitting across from them at dinner.

I’ve also met and made some of the best friends anyone could dare ask for while attending, or riding in a vehicle to get there.  

So, long story short, VISION is like summer camp bundled up into an extended weekend.  

Matt Fanslow is the Diagnostic Specialist and Shop Manager for Riverside Automotive, an independent all-makes/all-models repair facility in Red Wing, MN.  He also hosts the “Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z” podcast.  Sheri has allowed Matt to present at VISION for 15 years.  He is also friends with Justin Morgan.

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